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Nancy Eldredge, Ph.D. has been in private practice as a psychologist in Tucson, Arizona since 1994. After completing her Master's Degree, she worked as the Director of the Mental Health/Deaf Program in Oregon, and as the Director of Services for Students with Disabilities at Oregon State University. After completing her Ph.D. in Counseling, she directed the Rehabilitation Counseling: Deafness Program at the University of Arizona. Dr. Eldredge has also been a nationally certified American Sign Language Interpreter with the U.S. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and is fluent in American Sign Language. Internationally, Dr. Eldredge has conducted comparative research investigating the cognitive development and the social and emotional development of deaf children in the United States and the People’s Republic of China. She has also conducted sponsored research on views of deafness, rehabilitation, and healing in Australia with the Aboriginal Health Service and members of Aboriginal groups who are deaf, under the auspices of the International Exchange of Experts and Information in Rehabilitation. Among her publications, perhaps best known in the U.S, is an extended consideration of “Culturally Responsive Psychotherapy with American Indians Who Are Deaf,” in Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups.